
description of blog

This photo was taken by our daughter, Sarah Timmons, or my wife, depending on who you ask. We were in Rehoboth Beach, DE on Easter Sunday, 2011.

Several years ago, on the way home from a family vacation, I picked up a notebook and quickly recorded an incident that had occurred involving our son. Eventually, I used that story to illustrate something about my spiritual walk as a believer in Christ. Thus began a deliberate attempt to document the significance of everyday events. Almost any ordinary circumstance in daily life can become fodder for another story. This, almost by definition, lends itself to a blog.

Of course, many of the entries here are just ordinary diary style stuff... the stuff of ordinary blogs. Good grief, I don't want to be ordinary.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Things Kids Learn from Movies

Asher and I were driving to Bridgeville in my truck early on a Sunday morning.  We went through the intersection, and were rounding a corner.  There were two lanes of traffic, and we were on the outside lane.  Another car was on the inside lane, slightly behind us.  I noticed that Asher was staring at the car intently.

I asked him what he was looking at.  "I wanted to see if the car was catching up."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I heard that when two cars are going around a corner, the one on the inside has a shorter path, and will go around the corner faster.  So I was seeing if the car was doing that."

"Where did you you learn that son?"

"I saw it on Curious George.  No wait, it wasn't Curious George, it was in the movie "Cars II"."

Asher's first response of "Curious George" was an honest mistake, as he had learned many interesting things growing up watching that show, such as the word for the color "burgundy".

In either case, this reveals a conspiracy to educate our children through seemingly mindless videos.  What next?  Rocket science?

Note:  This entry was approved by Asher.

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